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Metis Women

Metis Women

Metis Women is a collaboration & development group for savvy women who either have an existing business that they are looking to grow through advice and support from experts in their field or for those that have a business idea (or just like the idea of working for themselves) but have no idea how to get it off of the ground. We take a holistic approach, focusing not just on specific business issues but also on how our personal lives impact on our professional and vice versa. We meet (usually) on the 2nd Friday at The Orchard Suite near Maidstone, the 3rd Thursday at the Judds Folly Hotel in Faversham, and the 4th Thursday at Birchwood Park Golf Centre near Dartford. For upcoming dates. meeting details or to book your place visit: New meeting locations are being opened up throughout 2014 visit our website for more information. What can you expect at a Metis Meeting? The meetings include a good mix of personal and business development, information and the opportunity to provide support and collaboration with other attendees. They include: > A presentation or workshop related to business andor personal development > An opportunity for a member to give a short presentation on themselves and their Company > An opportunity for a member to air a business problem, question or new peice of marketing and receive support and advice from the other members > A chance to share your goals for the coming month and publicly commit to them > Support and networking Come along and find out all about Metis Women and how to become a member - The Metis Women Team

Areas Covered: Dartford


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